
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Carnival of African-American Genealogy 2nd Edition -- Grandma's Hand

February 22 would have been grandma's 99th birthday. I originally posted this on her birthday, but I thought it would be fitting for the 2nd edition of
CoAAG so I am re-posting it.

When I was young my most favorite thing to do next to hanging out with daddy, was hang out with grandma Piggott.

In the summers sometimes when we went to Paris, Idaho to grandma Smedley's (my paternal grandmother) with all the cousins and aunts and uncles that were also there not everyone had a bed. That is why I got to spend the night with grandma Piggott in Bloomington which is just a couple of miles up the road.

I had her all to myself and I loved being at her house. We listened to records,watched Lawrence Welk, and picked strawberries and rhubarb. What I wouldn't give for a bottle of her canned rhubarb right now. I always slept in her bed with her until the day she married grandpa Dunn when I was nine years old. It took me quite a while to get over him taking my place.

Her house was still the best place to be even when brother and sister and all the cousins, aunts and uncles were there. The more family around me the happier I was, and still am. My cousin Doug and I used to play concentration with every deck of cards that grandma had in the house. The whole dining room floor would be covered with cards, and sometimes it went into the hallway.

Grandma was very talented. She crocheted baby blankets for the grandkids, made a doll quilt for each of the granddaughters and great-granddaughters, and a block bag for each of the grandsons and great-grandsons.

You can read copies of her handwritten history that she started here at my Footnote page.


  1. Leslie Ann,

    Nice memories of your Grandma Piggott. Thanks for sharing them with us for the 2nd edition of the CoAAG.


  2. What a wonderful gift to inherit Leslie Ann, Grandma Piggott's handwritten history!

    Thank you for joining in the honoring of Grandmothers ~ they are/were indeed PRICELESS.


  3. Your grandmom sounds like a special lady and her house sounds like it would have been a fun place to be. Thanks for sharing your memories of her.

  4. How special to get to spend time alone with your Grandman. Wonderful.

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