
Monday, September 19, 2011

Amanuensis Monday - Will of Edmond Tiddeman, Mariner

I Edmond Tiddeman of the parish of St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surrey, Mariner being of sound and disposing mind and memory doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner following. Imprimis I will that my body be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named And as touching that worldly estate where with it hath pleased God to bless and I give Bequeath and dispose of the same as followeth That is to say I will that all my debts legacies and funerall charge and the probate of this my Will be truely paid and performed Item I doe hereby give devise and bequeath unto my Sister Katherine Mearlear(?) the summe of ten pounds. Item I doe hereby give devise and bequeath unto my Cousins Mary James and Katherine the children of my said sister Katherine Mearlear(?) the summe of five pounds a piece, Item I doe hereby give devise and bequeath unto the two daughters of my brother Edward Randall namely Julian Randall and Alice Yemes(?) the summe of five pounds a piece Item I doe hereby give and bequeath unto the four children of my loving son Samuell Jobson namely Hannah Maylin, Samuell Jobson, Michael Jobson and Sarah Jobson the summe of twenty pounds. Item I dow hereby give devise and bequeath unto my loving daughter Alice Hull the summe of one hundred pounds of good and lawfull money of England. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Samuell Jobson and Robert Pate Senr the summe of fifty pounds for them to dispose of as they shall think fitt, all with said several legacies I doe order and direct to be paid within the space of one yeare next after my decease. I alsoe give and bequeath unto the seven children of my said daughter Alice Hull namely Mary, Katherine, Tiddeman, Alice, John, Hannah and Joseph the summe of fifty pounds a piece to be paid unto them at their respective ages of one and twenty years And my mind will is that if either or any of them shall happen to dye or depart this life before he or she shall attaine his or her respective age of one and twenty years that then and in such case the respective legacy or legacies of sum child or children so deceasing shall be equally divided amongst the Survivors or longer livers of them my said daughters children share and share alike. But not withstanding the said legacies before given to the children of my said daughter Hull will not be due to them untill they arrive at their respective ages of one and twenty yeares yet my mind and will is and I doe hereby order direct and appoint my Executor hereinafter named to pay the same amounting in the whole to the summe of three hundred and fifty pounds to their father John Hull or their Mother Alice Hull for their use within the spare of one yeare next after my decease and that either of their receipts for the same shall be as sufficient discharge to my Executors. Item I give unto my son-in-law Joseph Patteson my two silver cupps marked F P. Item I doe hereby give devise and bequeath unto my daughter in law Hannah Northcott my large silver Tankard marked G. P. M. and all the linnen that is in my keeping that was her ffathers and Mothers and marked with their or either of their marke Item I doe hereby give devise and bequeath unto my Sister Mary Wallraven one guinea in gold and to my cousin Katherine Sturgis two guineas in gold. Item I give to theMaid servant or Maid servants of the family wherein I shall happen to dye twenty shilling each. Item I give unto Edward Warrey of Dover in the County of Kent ffellmonger the summe of five poundsItem I give unto ffrances Kye als Patteson the summe of twenty shillings Item I doe hereby give devise and bequeath unto my Grandchildren Mary and Katherine Jobson the summe of one hundred pounds a piece of good and lawfull money of England tobe paid them respectively at their respective ages of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall first and next happen And my mind and will is that if either of them my said grandchildren shall happen to dye or depart this mortall life before such time as they shall attaine to the age of one and twenty years or day of marriage that then and in such case the legacy of such Grandchild soe deceasing shall come and be to the survivour or longer liver of them. Item I doe hereby give devise and bequeath unto the said Samuell Jobson and Robert Pate the summe of fourty shillings apiece And I doe hereby name and appoint them to be Overseers of this my Will Item I doe hereby give devise and bequeath unto my loving daughter Mary Jobson the wife of the said Samuell dobson the summe of one hundred pounds of good and lawfull money of England All the rest residue and remainder of my Estate both real and personall I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my said Daughters Alice Hull and Mary Jobson equally to be devided between them And I doe hereby authorize and appoint my Executor to putt and place out at interest the legacies before given to my grandchildren Mary and Katherine Jobson upon such security as they shall think fitt for the improvement thereof but without any hazzard to my Executors in case any loss shall happen provided the names of my said Grandchildren be named in the security soe as it may thereby appear that the monies therin mentioned was putt out for their uses I doe hereby revoke all other wills by me formerly made and doe declare this to by my last Will and Testament and hereof constitute and appoint the said Edward Warrey and John Plumley of London Merchant Executors. In witness to whereof I have to this my will contained in two sheets of paper to the first sheete sett my hand and to the last sheete subscribed my hand and offixed my seale the nine and twentyeth day of May in the yeare of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and three: I doe hereby also give unto the said John Plumley 100 guineas in gold// Edmd Tiddeman – Signed sealed published and declared by the Testator Edmond Tiddeman to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names in the presence of the said testator after these words I doe here by give and bequeath unto my said Daughters Alice Hull and Mary Jobson equally to be divided between them, were interlined and the word with struck out andthe two guineas given to John Plumley, Richrd Carter at the bunch of Grapes in Horsleydown. Susanna Carter, John Page Clerke to Mr. Springett in George yard Lombard Streete/
Source: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers: Name of Register: Dogg Quire Numbers: 205 - 250; The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, England.

I was able to discover a few more family members from this will, but some relationships leave me baffled because the poor Captain seemed to be confused about them himself. He calls the children of his sister Katherine his "cousins". So is "cousin" Katherine Sturgis really his niece too? 

He calls his son-in-law Samuell Jobson, his "loving son" and he calls Joseph Patteson his "son-in-law", but since I found a marriage listed for Edmund Tiddeman and Mary Patteson I am assuming that Joseph is his step-son. He also mentions Hannah Northcott as a "daughter in law", so I am thinking that she must be a step daughter. And then there is "my brother" Edward Randall. He could be a half-brother or a brother-in-law.

So my Tiddeman research continues for the answers to these questions and many more.  In the mean time, if any of these names sound familiar to you please let me know.

Amanuensis Monday is an ongoing series created by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.

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